⤟  An illustrator at mind, a writer at heart and a storyteller for life   ⤠

Lisbon ✈️ San Francisco ✈️ Los Angeles


Roselyne is a layout artist and background painter. She is also a drawaholic, an avid writer and has a borderline obsession with psychology. Her biggest passion of all is storytelling hence her fascination for comic books and animated features.

Roselyne hopes to continue working as a layout artist in a TV studio environment. Her portfolio aims to show variety and versatility in both style and theme as such is needed in Television. Her education in illustration and comics has also given her the necessary storytelling and continuity toolset that has proven invaluable to the layout process. The different perspective she has as a comic book artist gives her an extra edge.

Above all, whatever she lacks for in talent she makes up with her work ethic. Roselyne has an insatiable need for growth. She likes pushing out of her artistic comfort zones and continuously challenging herself.